About Us
Akroasis is a unique tool for artists, which aims to meet the need created to promote art through technology nowadays and to offer alternative ways of psychotherapy through acting in combination with other methods known over the centuries, such as hypnotherapy.

Appreciating the needs of the artist to create in practice, people from the field of theater, cinema, journalism and advertising collaborated in a idea of V. Diminidou and founded Akroasis, with the aim of getting in touch with the right people for cooperation, bringing the desired result to their field of work through its promotion, thus gaining experience and reputation, necessary for any professional artist, but also achieving in this way the best possible for his career. As times change and art evolves as a continuation of our journey as a company, we have moved to the next stage and defined the cinema-theatre that enables every home to see a quality show in Greek with English subtitles.
The purpose of this type of entertainment is to introduce the general public to a new kind of art that aims at self-awareness but also to highlight a generation of new notable artists such as writers, directors, actors, etc.
If you want to display your work through Akroasis.gr please send us your proposal to info@akroasis.gr and we will do our best for you and your career!